Episode 316: Lisa Jameson

On November 4, 1991, 23-year-old Lisa Jameson had a secret. Even though it was a good secret, she was still nervous about it. Lisa had just found out that she was pregnant with her second child. She was thrilled with the idea of expanding her family, but she wasn’t as sure that her husband, Alan, would share her excitement. But we don’t know if Lisa ever had the chance to find out. On that morning, she left work after a night shift, dropped off a co-worker in Chandler, Arizona, and was never seen alive again. Now, 30 years later, the son who was left behind is still searching for answers, and above all, justice for his beloved mother.

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Lisa Jameson, please contact the Gilbert Police at 480-508-6500.

Si tiene alguna información sobre la desaparición de Lisa Jameson, comuníquese con la policía de Gilbert al 480-508-6500.

We are proud members of Spreaker Prime and The Darkcast Network.

This week's promo is ODFM Podcast: Dark stories, dark truths and dark humor presented by former roommates now living in different states.


Episode 317: Alicia “Mandy” Stokes


Episode 315: Billy Smolinski